September will take us officially over the line from summer to autumn with the equinox on the 23rd (2015) and personally I can't wait. Autumn is most definitely my favourite season. I have vivid memories of visiting the park with my Grandad as a child, crunching in the beautifully coloured leaves on the ground and returning back to my grandparents house where a roast dinner would be waiting (with apple pie for pudding of course).
You won't be second guessing
Although the warmth of summer lingers, you always know to take a jumper when you go out along with a brolly. There is no second guessing; you always know where you are with autumn. Enjoy the bright sunshine and be prepared.
The inspiring colours
The warm reds, yellows, and browns are beautiful and inspiring and never fail to make me feel cozy and happy. I love an autumnal walk followed by a yummy hot chocolate (you should try Bonny Confectionary for an amazing addition!) or some kind of seasonal fruity pudding; which brings me to my next point...
Seasonal fruit and veg
Apple and blackberry crumbles, pies and muffins, leek and potato soup and roasted root vegetables. I love what autumn has to offer in terms of seasonal food and September definitely means soups galore. I love soup and warm buttered crusty bread on an autumnal afternoon.
I always loved the start of school in September, heading back with my new uniform, bag and of course stationery (more on that) ready for a new school year and a new adventure. This time round Baby B is heading to reception and Littlest B is turning TWO so I am increasing my work load and there will be a different kind of beginning for me as well as the start of Baby B's school career! I am certain I still need stationery right? RIGHT?!
The 'back to school' aisles
I don't care how old I am, I love browsing the back to school aisles to pick up beautiful and funky stationery on offer. You may think this is sad but I know there are several people with the same love. Go on...admit it.
Ok so it isn't actually Christmas, but behind the scenes, bloggers, craft business and stores have been getting ready since July and you will slowly start to see you local shops selling cards and gifts, handmade crafts on your Facebook newsfeed and bloggers tweeting all of their Christmas related posts. It's coming people. (There is even a collection of Christmas themed blog posts by the way; #abloggerschristmas hosted by the lovely Kerry at All About A Mini Norris)
Home and Craft events
There are so many events going on all over the place but here's just a few:
- ICHF events have a few going on in September. You will find the Stitching, Sewing and Hobbycraft show at Event City in Manchester on 10th-12th. The Weald of Kent Craft and Design at Penshurts Place in Tonbridge will be on the 11th-12th and on 24th-27th The Westpoint Centre in Exeter will host the Stitching, Sewing and Hobbycraft show for a second round.
- Love a bit of Kirstie Allsopp? The Handmade Fair will be at The Green, Hampton Court Palace on September 18th-20th.
- The Autumn Fair, exhibiting all manner of home and giftware with be at the NEC on 6th - 9th September.
- Home, the interior and homeware exhibition will be at Olympia in London on 13th-15th
(If you have a craft event to tell the Crafty Bs about, no matter how big or small, join our online craft group and add it the the events. Don't forget to put your location first when you post it on the wall.)
September takeover
Back in 2013, Littlest B arrived and I invited a few bloggers to takeover my blog! We had a baby vintage fashion post, cloud dough fun, a denim bag tutorial, a covered notebook how to and more. It was a fab addition to September 2013
Cupcake week!
You know you're on this one right? I hosted a Cupcake Week linky in 2014 and this year National Cupcake Week is falling on September 14th.
What are your favourite things about September? Comment below or come find me on the social media links. Let's talk autumn!

Follow Mrs Crafty B
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